Memorial Plaque | Bialystoker Synagogue | LESJC

A Sacred Mission

The Conservancy’s primary goal is to preserve the synagogues and heritage of the Lower East Side, America’s most famous immigrant neighborhood, and present them to the public. Through our efforts, many have been designated as historic landmarks, and have been listed on New York State and National Registers. In 2000, the Conservancy assisted in designating a 32 – block area as a historic district. We accomplish our goal by designing touring programs, both private and public, which showcase the Lower East Side’s landmarks, history and people.

Stained Glass Window | Stanton Street Shul | LESJC

Preserving Our Legacy

The Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy is the only non-profit organization dedicated solely to the historic preservation of the Lower East Side’s sacred sites. The Conservancy has formed relationships with the leaders of all of these sacred sites. It is these professional relationships that open doors for our visitors. A portion of the proceeds of each tour is returned to the sacred sites visited on that tour, contributing to their restoration and conservation.